What Makes WordPress the Best Platform for SEO?

If you’re a WordPress user, it’s easy to realize why WordPress is such a powerful platform. It’s easy to use and has more than enough plugins to help customize your site or blog to fit your needs.

Search engine visibility is an essential part of any website’s success.With SEO friendly tools in all its core components, WordPress, the world’s most popular website builder and content management system, just may be the best content management system for SEO available today.

Every Site Needs SEO

Whether you’re a blogger, a small business startup or a large company with many different divisions, your site needs traffic. Although recent changes to search engine algorithms and the rising popularity of paid advertising make it seem that building traffic through unpaid is a time consuming. Recent statistics on website use indicate that organic searches, not just from the large search engines like Google and Bing, but also from quasi-search engine sites like Amazon and Pinterest, still provide a steady source of quality, relevant traffic to sites that are well optimized to rank high in searches.

Getting found through organic searches performed by real people is still a vital part of raising awareness about your brand – and it is also most likely the most economical marketing solution you’ll find, thanks to WordPress hosting.

Why Wordpress is best for SEO?

Site Speed

Over the last few years Google has been making it very well-known that it’s taking your website’s load times as an important factor in your on-page optimization. Google’s stated aim is to provide users with the best search experience, and that includes sites that load quickly and smoothly so that there’s no wait time in which a visitor is likely to click away. There are different ways to improve the speed of your site that will ultimately help your content rank higher in search results.

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Proper HTML markup

Though written mostly in PHP, WordPress creates HTML pages that are easily understandable by search engines. The latest generation of themes have even started to take advantage of HTML5 and the improvements it brings.

Title tag and headings

The title of a page is one of the most important parts of on-page SEO. Together with other heading tags, it informs Google about the information in your content and gives it structure. WordPress allows you to set all of this up without manually writing the necessary HTML tags.

Optimized images

Talking about images, besides adding photos and other visuals to your content, the WordPress editor also allows you to further optimize them with ALT tags, descriptions, and more.

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Internal Linking

Internal linking, especially when links are structured to include keywords, demonstrates that all the content on the site is connected and relates to the site’s overall theme.

Mobile responsiveness

More people now access the Internet from mobile devices than from the desktop, so Google rewards mobile-friendly sites with higher rankings.

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Open Source Customization

Another important factor is that WordPress is open-source. This is the real reason that WordPress is such a powerful CMS – any developer in the world can create a theme or plugin and contribute it to the WordPress community.

The capabilities of your WordPress site are nearly endless, and it’s all because of the open source nature of the community. This allows you to easily update your site to stay on top of Google’s suggested best practices.

SEO Plugin For WordPress

Every part of a website has the potential for SEO, and a number of WordPress SEO plugins can help site runners take advantage of all those opportunities. Plugins like Yoast SEO allow users to set up a meta description, check keyword placement and relevance and evaluate a post or page for its SEO-readiness before it’s published.

WordPress was originally designed as a blogging platform with the goal of helping everyone publish their message online, and this is reflected in the easy to use SEO tools for optimizing search engine visibility that it provides in every one of its core components – source code, themes, and WordPress plugins.  Fast  and customizable for every need, WordPress remains the best website builder for search engine optimization.