Top Instagram tactics for more followers

Instagram is one of the most popular social networking sites on the planet, with over 200 million active monthly members sharing 60 million images and 1.6 billion likes per day.

Whether you’re growing your own personal account or working on behalf of a company, read the  best tactics (with examples!) that could help you grow a bigger audience on Instagram.

Post consistently (at least once a day)

The more often you post, the more likes and followers you get.

According to an study, profiles that posted seven or more times a week (or at least once a day) get more likes and gain more followers faster than those that post less frequently.

You can almost double your follower growth rate by moving from less than one post per week to 1-6 posts a week. You can more than double your follower growth rate again by moving from posting 1-6 times per week to once or more per day.

The key to success: Post consistently on Instagram. Brands that get into a regular flow with Instagram posts tend to see the best results.

Post videos, live videos, and Stories

While Instagram started as a photo-sharing network, it has grown beyond just photos. With features like videos, live videos, and Stories, brands can now create many different types of content to engage their fans and grow their following.

Use quality hashtags

The right hashtags (and location tag) can expose your image to a large and targeted audience on Instagram.

Due to its popularity, it’s even possible to follow a hashtag now!

Collaborate with others

Another great way to extend your Instagram reach and grow your following is to collaborate with others, either through partnerships or sponsorships.

Through the partnership, both sides reach a new audience.

If you have the budget for social media sponsorships, then influencer marketing might be suitable for you. Daniel Wellington is a classic example. They grew their Instagram following from 850,000 to 2.1 million followers in one year by sponsoring Instagram influencers.

Post at your best times

There isn’t a universal best time to post on Instagram.

Instead, every brand has its own best times to post. You have yours, too!

So a possible best time for you to post on Instagram is when your followers are most active. Tap on the Instagram Insights (bar chart) icon,scroll down to the “Followers” section and tap on “See more”

At the bottom of the page, you’ll see on which day of the week and at which hours of the day your followers are most active.

Use your analytics

One of the key ways to grow your Instagram following is to post high-quality content that your followers like and would engage with.

How do you know what your followers like? Again, Instagram Insights provides the data for you to understand which posts your followers like the most.Tap on the Instagram Insights (bar chart) iconScroll down to the “Posts” section and tap on “See more”

Here, you’ll see your top posts sorted by impressions. Post more of those images and see if your followers continue to like and engage with them.

Develop your own Instagram style

Your Instagram Home page looks irregular? Maybe it’s time to change it. You can begin to change your post style using the color combination.