What is PHP 7.3?

Introduction to PHP

PHP is the most popular and widely used server-side web programming language, used by over 80% of websites.

PHP can be easily embedded into HTML, meaning that it is both accessible and flexible. It’s often used to create dynamic content, such as PDFs, images, and videos. What’s more, it’s always being updated, in order to provide new features and improve performance.

PHP is at the heart of the WordPress core, and to get the best possible performance for your site, you should always use the latest version. 

PHP 7.3 is now available to all GreenHost.eu clients. 

PHP 7.3

PHP 7.3 is the most recent in a long line of updates to this scripting language, as the developers are constantly making changes and improvements. The latest version of PHP brings a number of changes.

PHP 7.3 Advantages

Speed and Performance

If your site is running on an older version of PHP, updating to the latest version will give you immediate performance gains. PHP 7.3 is 31% faster than PHP 7.0. This update brings dramatically-improved performance speed.

Slow-loading pages can mean loosing out on potential customers, as they’ll often move on to a faster service. Plus, a faster programming speed also means that developers are able to work more efficiently.

Support and Compatibility

Compatibility is another big reason why you’d want to be on the latest version of PHP.


Another fundamental reason why PHP 7.3 is important, is for the security of your WordPress site. Running the latest version of PHP ensures that your site is protected against vulnerabilities identified in older versions of PHP.